fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום שני, אוגוסט 08, 2005

Top Ten Signs it's really too HOT in your Synagogue

10. Synagogue board meets to discuss establishing pool volleyball net in mikva

9. Chasidim strip down to the bare essentials, aka. 3-piece suite and wool tzitit

8. Ner-Tamid replaced with mini fan and attached glittery streamers

7. When sisterhood puts their sweat and tears into preparing shul kiddush, actual sweat is used.

6. Instead of scotch, Kiddush club offers chilled pina coladas (umbrellas deemed muksa)

5. When the AC breaks, long-winded chazan receives slightly more death threats than "Yasher Koachs"

4. Jolly candyman starts handing out ice cubes

3. Rabbi makes really lame "And you thought the Jews in the desert had it bad" joke (repeated at minimum five times throughout summer)

2. Hot Chulent Kiddush met with same disdain as Schulman/O'Connor wedding

1. You're seriously considering offering your daughter's hand in marriage to the shabbos-goy who just flipped on the AC