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יום שבת, יוני 18, 2005

Top Ten Things Overheard in Jewish History Re: Father's Day

Top Ten Things Overheard in Jewish History Re: Father's Day

10. Noah's Son to Noah: "Happy Abba Day! But how do you expect me to marry a Jewish girl with a name like HAM?

9. Abraham to Terach: "Let's just say I crashed something, but it wasn't the car."

8. Yitzchak to Abraham: "Sacrifice me? Was it the cheesy piano-tie I gave you last year?"

7. Lot's Daughter to Lot: "Dad, you've got grandson on the way, um, I mean a son!"
6. Joseph to Yaakov: "I got you a time-share in the land of Goshen, don't worry, it's like Florida"

5. Moshe to Pharaoh: "It's the new Bangles CD, you'll love it"

4. Solomon to David: "Dad, I got engaged...again!"

3. Albert Einstein's Son to Albert Einstein: "I love you dad, you're da bomb!"

2. Rabbi Soloveichik to Dad: "There are really two distinct concepts in this pair of socks"

1. Jesus to Dad, "Hey, you're not God"