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יום חמישי, יוני 02, 2005

unbelievable what the chinese discovered about tefilin

don't know why this happened to me, but it's a factthat stuff comes my way; I went to Tel Aviv to visitmy father and someone there asks, "Have you heardabout T'fillin?" I asked, "What are you talkingabout?" and she tells me that her friend has anarticle from the Chinese Journal of Medicine writtenabout T'fillin. Right away my curiosity was arousedand I had her immediately bring me the article - andwhen I got it, I saw something unbelievably amazing!! Who of us doesn't know about Chinese Acupuncture? The
Chinese discovered the medical treatment using needlesto heal \r\n when they are inserted at certain points inthe body. The Chinese have \r\n mapped out and named allthe points of the body du 24 du 70 du 23, and so \r\n on.And the Chinese Journal of Medicine - to whicheveryone important \r\n in the field of Acupuncturesubscribes - published an amazing article, \r\n absolutelyamazing. The main article in volume 70 of the Journaldeals \r\n solely with the T\'fillin of the Jewish People.The article conclusively \r\n establishes that the contactand pressure points covered by the hand and \r\n headT\'fillin are exactly those points at which theAcupuncture \r\n needles are inserted in order "to increasespirituality and to purify \r\n thoughts." The non-Jewishauthor of the article puts it that the points \r\n coveredby the T\'fillin are those where the Acupunctureneedles are \r\n inserted. I would reverse the statementto read: The Acupuncture needles \r\n are inserted inthose points which are exactly where a Jew puts \r\n onT\'fillin. The article details all of the Acupuncture \r\n pointswhich are the same as the points-of-contact of thehead \r\n T\'fillin - front and back - as well as thepoints-of-contact of the hand \r\n T\'fillin on the arm andhand. In the opinion of the expert who wrote \r\n thearticle, these are the only Acupuncture points thatwill achieve \r\n this result [to increase spirituality andto purify thoughts] which, in \r\n addition to followingthe Torah\'s command to place the T\'fillin on the \r\n arm(hand) and head as a sign that HaShem brought us outof \r\n Egypt with a strong hand, is likely the \r\n reason thatJews put on T\'fillin. Absolutely amazing! \r\n\r\n\r\n",0]
Chinese discovered the medical treatment using needlesto heal when they are inserted at certain points inthe body. The Chinese have mapped out and named allthe points of the body du 24 du 70 du 23, and so on.And the Chinese Journal of Medicine - to whicheveryone important in the field of Acupuncturesubscribes - published an amazing article, absolutelyamazing. The main article in volume 70 of the Journaldeals solely with the T'fillin of the Jewish People.The article conclusively establishes that the contactand pressure points covered by the hand and headT'fillin are exactly those points at which theAcupuncture needles are inserted in order "to increasespirituality and to purify thoughts." The non-Jewishauthor of the article puts it that the points coveredby the T'fillin are those where the Acupunctureneedles are inserted. I would reverse the statementto read: The Acupuncture needles are inserted inthose points which are exactly where a Jew puts onT'fillin. The article details all of the Acupuncture pointswhich are the same as the points-of-contact of thehead T'fillin - front and back - as well as thepoints-of-contact of the hand T'fillin on the arm andhand. In the opinion of the expert who wrote thearticle, these are the only Acupuncture points thatwill achieve this result [to increase spirituality andto purify thoughts] which, in addition to followingthe Torah's command to place the T'fillin on the arm(hand) and head as a sign that HaShem brought us outof Egypt with a strong hand, is likely the reason thatJews put on T'fillin. Absolutely amazing