fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום חמישי, יוני 02, 2005

Top Ten Investment Tips to get ready for the Moshiach Era>> by Zev from Jerusalem

  • 10. Stay away from defense and biotech companies: stock prices are going> to plummet once war is abolished and the sick are miraculously healed.
  • 9. Corner the commodities market on frankincense, myrrh, techelet...
  • 8. Buy Israeli real estate. Prices are going to skyrocket when the dead> come back to occupy the land. (For the best bargains, grab up land in the

  • 7. Sell swords, buy plowshares.
  • 6. Make friends with as many Cohanim as possible. With proper planning,> you could eat BBQ every day for the next thousand years!
  • 5. A ticket to Israel. Duh!
  • 4. If you are a media mogul, buy broadcast rights in the Beit Hamikdash.> Succot services will get better ratings than the Super Bowl!
  • 3. Get in on The amount of people bidding on things such as the> shofar used by Moshiach, Moshaich\'s robe, Moshiach\'s donkey\'s dung are> going> to be insane. Fakes and replicas are gonna drive this industry to the max.
  • 2. Torah and mitzvot have always been considered surefire blue chip> assets.
  • 1. Who cares about investing. Aren\'t the Goyim supposed to support us