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יום ראשון, אוקטובר 09, 2005

10 facts of israel part 2

2. Like the United States, Israel is a democracy. Israel's Parliament includes men, women, Jews and Arabs.
Israel is a parliamentary democracy with legislative, executive and judicial branches. The head of the state is the president, whose duties are mostly ceremonial and formal; the office symbolizes the unity and sovereignty of the state. The Knesset, Israel's legislative authority, is a 120-member unicameral parliament which operates in plenary session and through 14 standing committees. Its members are elected every four years in universal nationwide elections. The Knesset has 10 Arab members.
The government (cabinet of ministers) is charged with administering internal and foreign affairs. It is headed by a prime minister and is collectively responsible to the Knesset.
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3. Israel ensures complete equality of all individuals irrespective of religion, race or sex. These civil rights are granted in Israel's Declaration of Independence and Declaration of Establishment.
The Declaration of Independence (May 1948) states that the State of Israel will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
All citizens of Israel, no matter what religion are free to practice the religion of their choice.
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (1948) guarantees freedom of religion for all. Each religious community is free, by law and in practice, to exercise its faith, to observe its holidays and weekly day of rest and to administer its internal affairs. Each has its own religious council and courts, recognized by law and with jurisdiction over all religious affairs and matters of personal status such as marriage and divorce. Each has its own unique places of worship, with traditional rituals and special architectural features developed over the centuries.
There are roughly 6 million people living in Israel. Jews make up 77.2 percent of Israel's population, Muslims 15.4 percent, Christians 2.1 percent, Druze 1.6 percent and unaffiliated citizens 3.5 percent. The percentage of Israeli residents who are Arab is 19 percent, about the same as it when the country was established in 1948. (
All citizens, regardless of their religion, may participate in the political process.
The 120-member Knesset is Israel's legislature. Members of Knesset (MKs) are elected every four years within the framework of parties that compete for the electorate's votes. Each party chooses its own Knesset candidates as it sees fit. The major function of the Knesset is to legislate laws and revise them as necessary. Additional duties include establishing a government, taking policy decisions, reviewing government activities, and electing the President of the State and the State Comptroller. Some Arab parties: National Arab Party, United Arab List, Hadash.
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