fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום שבת, נובמבר 19, 2005

Top Ten Top Ten Ways you know youre watching a Jewish Scene in a Hollywood Movie

10. Chasidim suddenly love the state of Israel
9. In the background of every scene there is a Menorah and at least one painting of some sad fiddler
8. If there isn't Klezmer music in the background, the characters are probably in a strip bar
7. Any tallis must always be worn like a locker-room towel around shoulders
6. Beards are too perfectly trimmed to be real
5 Answering questions with questions is how the rabbis are made to look sagely
4 Lighting shabbos candles always begins the heartwarming reflective scene about keeping tradition
3. Anyone praying must use the word Baruch and God's name (in vein)
2. In spite of initial family resistance, someone must intermarry
1. Required Grande finale: Breaking the Glass and a mixed family Horah wedding dance