fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום חמישי, יוני 02, 2005

Top Ten Ways Yom Kippur is like Purim

10. Someone\'s always passing out by the end of both>>>>
9. You wear a nice suit for both, except on Purim you call yourself Agent> Smith from the Matrix>>>> shtuuuus
8. Flying chickens spinning around your head is considered completely> normal>>>>
7. On Yom Kippur you don\'t drink and after Purim you swear you\'ll never> drink again.>>>> 6. One has Kol Nidre, the other has someone dressed up as Dr. Dre>>>>shtuuuus
5. In both stories "Winning the lottery" is actually a death sentence.>>>>
4. Heck, the whale threw up Jonah.>>>>
3. The phrase the "The whole Megillah" was made for Yom Kippur Services!>>>>
2. Sneakers make any Rabbi look like he is in costume>>>>
1. Hanging Judgment finally makes sense>>>>