fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום שבת, נובמבר 19, 2005

Top Ten Ways to You Know your a Jewish Moma's Boy, and proud of it!

10. Before you read this list you gave a quick "What's Doing?" call to mom

9. You feel the title "Mom" is too goyish, But "Mommy", "Ma", or "Imma" is shtark!

8. You love some saying a cheesy dvar torah about how in Judaism Mothers day is every day.

7. Your screen name:

6. You are pretty sure Oedipus is a Hebrew name

5 When someone says that their mother's chicken soup is the best, you automatically think to yourself "Gee, he sure is full of crap."

4 When your mother calls, you have a special "Aishes Chayil" ringer tune

3 When called up to the torah, you accidentally give them your name followed by your mothers Hebrew name.

2 You think your wife has negative zero culinary skills when she doesn't cook a seventeen course meal.

1 You are pretty certain that when you leave your house without a coat on you won't die of pneumonia, but very very possibly of excessive guilt