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יום חמישי, יוני 02, 2005

Top 35 Jewish/Israeli Misconceptions about Disney Facts

1) His name is Mickey, he's not an Israeli woman, and he> doesn't spell his name 'Miki'>>>>
2)"Homeward Bound" is not about someone making Aaliyah>>>>
3) Happy is not still drunk from Purim....Grumpy did not grow up on
> Island....Sneezy did not have snuff....Sleepy did not stay up all night on> Shavuot....Dopey did shave during sephira.....Doc is>> not the one their mother is most proud of.....Bashful is not shomer Negia>>>>>>
4) When You Wish Upon A Star, you ARE doing Avodah Zarah>>>>
5) Darkwing is not the Satan>>>>
6) Beauty and the Beast was not recorded during the Omer. The Beast>> really> is that hairy.>>>>
7) Sleeping Beauty is not your wife, while you\'re in shul on a Saturday> morning>>>>
8) Mary Poppins is not Jesus\'s mother>>>>
9) His name is Winnie The Pooh, not Winnie Pooh-Pooh-Pooh>>>>
10) Snow White was not punished for eating a treif apple...she was> punished for eating an apple that was prepared by a non-Jew>>>>
11) "It\'s A Small World" is not referring to the Jewish world, even>> though> everyone still seems to know each other anyway>>>>
12) Yes, Mulan did commit "Beged Ish," but she still got the guy she> loved, which proves a rasha will get their reward in this world, but a> tzadek will get his reward in the world to come.>>>>
13) "You can Fly" is what you say when you get loaded with Pixie Dust,>> not> when you get loaded on Purim.>>>>
14) "Kiss the Girl" may not be a song you want to sing to your> black-hatter roommate when he\'s about to go on a shiduch date>>>>
15) "Dovid Melech Yisrael" in English is not "Davey Crockett, King Of The> Wild Frontier.">>>>
16) The "Tiki Tiki Tiki Room" is not African for "The Yichud Room.">>>>
17) Tarzan is not a Nazir>>>>
18) Bambi is not a U.S.Yer
>> 19) Don't confuse the "Fox and The Hound" with "Wolf and Lamb
20) Pokahontas didn\'t live in a succah>>>>
21) "A spoonful of sugar" makes the medicine go down, but if it\'s a> kezayit, it needs a bracha Acharona>>>>
22) "Be Our Guest" is not an Upper West Side shabbat zemira....even>> though> it would be so cool if someone did that>>>>
23) Pride Rock is not massada>>>>
24) The little mermaid might be kosher to eat....ask your rabbi.....after> all, she does have fins and she>> does have scales>>>>
25) "Heigh-Ho" is not a pickup line you want to use on the UWS>>>>
26) "The Rescuers" is not a cartoon about "hatzala">>>>
27) Mr. Toad\'s Wild Ride is not referring to your taxi ride in Israel>>>>
28) The Black Cauldron is not filled with Cholent>>>>
29) "I\'ve Got No Strings To Hold Me Down" is not a song UWS guys use>> after> they say "It\'s just not shayech.">>>>
30) Pinnochio is a Mamzer>>>>
31) Parent Trap is not another name for Chanukah>>>>
32) "The Three Caballeros" is not about the three wisemen>>>>
33) "Lady And The Tramp" is not the cartoon version of "Trembling Before> G-d">>>>
34) Splash Mountain is NOT a kosher Mikva>>>>
35) Big Thunder Mountain is not where the Jews got The Torah);