Top Ten Reasons Joe Lieberman Dropped out of the Presidential Race
10. Couldn't get Congress to pass his "Leave work early on Friday">> > Bill>> >>> > 9. Thought he was running for the Presidency of the White Shul, not> the>> White House>> >>> > 8. Only had enough campaign money to last for one campaign in 2000,> but>> miraculously it lasted through most of a second run>> >>> > 7. Staff was getting tired of starting every conversation with "I> don't>> want to speak about politics on Shabbos, BUT" (Nish Gshabbos geretin)>> >>> > 6. Thought it might effect his kid's shidduch prospects>> >>> > 5. White House wouldn't commit to having mezuzah's in the West Wing>> >>> > 4. Depressed to hear Jon Stewart turned down his VP offer>> >>> > 3. Bottomline: Jewish men can never commit>> >>> > 2. Didn't want the myth "Jews control America" to actually have some>> truth to it>> >>> > 1. Realized his speeches were boring enough to make it the rabbinate
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