fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום שבת, נובמבר 19, 2005

Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear From A Guy At The Mikvah

10. "We ran out of rain water, so I added some liquid of my own.(wink)"

9. Two Words "Marco Polo."

8. "Hey, looks like you came up with a couple of my hairs on you."

7. "It's a little saltier than usual today"

6. "You know the women's mikvah usually not this busy"

5. "Ok, now this time you sing the Jaws Theme"

4. "Whoa, looks like some ones swimming with a rudder?"

3. "If I catch any of you guys taking a peak, I'll break your legs"

2. "Some whipped cream for you... and some whipped cream for me."

1. "Come here often?"