fun for mesivtah melbourne

this site is for jokes, stories, quotes whateva. feel free to post some of your own. MOSHIACH NOW

יום שבת, נובמבר 19, 2005

10. Your "kittah" always consisting of at least one Russian and one Israeli whose father was on sabbatical

10. Your "kittah" always consisting of at least one Russian and one Israeli whose father was on sabbatical

9. Summer camp romances ranked by # of crocheted yamakas and what they said on the inside

8. Hoping to G-d that the substitute teacher was not your mom

7. Coercing parents to get you another Garbage Pail Kids' Trapper Keeper for additional Hebrew subjects

6. No matter how hard you try to clean, obligatory pretzel crumbs (to be leftover on Passover) must be in bottom of backpack.

5. Recess either involved tearing your pants at crotch or trading snacks for homework

4. Wondering if you could get away with that 'above the knees' skirt you've been dying to break out.

3. The "Step" haircut, need we say more?

2. Praying that your mom packed snacks with a hashgacha this time

1. Exploiting new gentile teachers by saying they can't give too much homework because of the Jewish Holidays on the way.