fun for mesivtah melbourne

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יום שבת, נובמבר 19, 2005

top 20 Microsoft refrences to judaism

20. Align Left, Align Right: Seating arrangement based on mechitza in shul (align center/justify for egalitarians)
19. Save As: Shabbos Leftovers for Sunday night dinner
18. Empty Deleted Items Folder: Yom Kippur
17. My Network Places: Shul Kiddush, JCC locker-room, Wedding Shmorg
16. Page Setup: Shidduch Dating (by the book)
15. Auto Signature: Seeing God in everything you do
14. Wrap Text, Shrink to Fit: Wearing Tefiilin with wet hair
13. Sort by Descending: Being judgmental of friends based on religious level
12. Mail Merge: At the sighting of an attractive woman after shul is over
11. Sent Items: The random "bag" of things we need to deliver when someone hears we are going to Israel (they become deleted items when El Al looses them)
10. Spell Check: When you search for 'chometz', but find 'no suggestions'
9. Italicized: Another name for Roman persecution
8. Copy and Paste: Continuously going to ESPN Zone as a cool first date
7. Insert Table: When someone decides to invite their 4 friends last minute to a shabbat meal
6. Away Message: Hinting to your friends that you are off the derech; or in Florida for Pesach
5. Reply All: "I'Yimru, Amen"
4. Landscape or Portrait: Deciding whether to move to Englewood or Teaneck
3. Outlook Today: Fully customizable hashkafa
2. Undo, Redo: Teshuva in a nutshell
1. Header and Footer: Your 2 basic requirements: Will she cover her hair & only wear skirts